coolseats restore Earth

Why coolseats?

Fighting food waste while greening our streets and cooling local climates

Good for Earth

coolseats leave Earth in a better place. With your coolseats you turn food waste into compost, cool your street, increase vegetation and keep local money in your local community.

Good for community

coolseats stimulate conversations and grow community by growing fresh food, increasing local business and creating local jobs.

Good for you

coolseats grow healthy food, provide you with a comfortable cool place to sit on, give you fresh food & flowers to harvest, or a seat to have a think on.

What makes a coolseat special?

Raised Garden Bed

You can grow plants in your coolseat providing fresh produce for you and your community.


You can sit down and relax on the coolseat.

Free Nutrients Provider

Decomposition of food waste in the coolseat acts as a free source of nutrients for your plants in the garden bed.

Ends Food Waste

Placing food scraps in the coolseat diverts them from entering landfills and contributing to climate change.

Compost Maker

After just a few weeks a coolseat produces compost for you to add to your gardens, as one of the best fertilizers around.

Cuts Down Garden Watering

Watering of the coolseats is cut down by 80% due to wicking cells.

New coolseat at Pocket City Farms

How to use a coolseat

How to use a coolseat

Coolseats options

Did you know?


If food waste was a country, then it would be third biggest source of CO2 emissions in the world.

Throwing away 3 kg of edible food results in greenhouse gases equivalent to 23 kg of carbon dioxide being emitted into the atmosphere. â€‹

coolseats are part of the solution.

Food waste song - coolseats

by BennyTheJukeBox

What is the impact of ‘Chippendale Road Gardens’ coolseats?

  • 57 kg/day food waste converted

  • 110 kg/day carbon dioxide air pollution avoided

The coolseats process


Step 1:

Feed waste to worms

Where to with the coffee grounds and table waste? Off into the worm farm that is part of the coolseat.

Step 2:

Mix compost

Mixing up the green & paper waste, while adding some water, will keep the worms in the coolseat happy.

Step 3:

Grow plants

After 3-4 weeks, use the worm compost to grow some beautiful flowers, vegies or herbs. coolseats are cool indeed!

Step 4:

Sit & smell the flowers

Jeremy & Thomas love sitting on the coolseat while waiting for their take-away from Church Block Cafe.