Is the coolseats price right for you?
In this blog, I’ll dive into these considerations to help you decide if the Coolseat price is right for you. Please comment and let me know your thoughts here if you wish to as I’m keen to hear from you.
Lauren Ryan
Coolseats and Upsoil Collective win $90k Melbourne Council innovation prize
Coolseats and Upsoil Collective win Melbourne City Council $90k tech innovation prize - Zoe Wang and Michael Mobbs are delighted by their collaborative project and keenly anticipate working with Council to reduce and hopefully to end food waste at Fishermans Bend, Melbourne, Victoria.
Vote for coolseats and Upsoil Collective - register first
Coolseats is the way the finalist, Upsoil Collective, in Melbourne City Council’s $90,000 competition is delivering the compost solutions. Vote after first registering
Pocket City Farm celebrates winter solstice - see you there
Pocket City Farm, Camperdown, Sydney, NSW
Introducing the Newest Coolseat Design and Collaborators!
Sophia Elmblad, intern with Sustainable House, explains the newest design coolseat installed outside Sydney’s Sustainable House
Sydney cafe ends food waste - Pt 1
How a Sydney cafe began the journey to end its food waste, and the data they created
Cafes ending food waste
Seven NSW cafes ending food waste. Here’s the how, why and where of seven cafes ending food waste. The cafes are in the city of Sydney (Chippendale), country towns and cities of Bathurst, Orange, and Nundle.
Compost trial grows a social business
A NSW EPA trial is turning worm and human heads, ending cafe food waste and preventing climate pollution.
Free calculator saves money for any user
A new, free calculator cuts your waste bills and avoids polluting Earth’s climate. Developed with funding from the NSW EPA in Australia, the calculator has been tested during a project to end cafe food waste in NSW, Australia.